
Sinus Buster Fast Relief Nasal Spray

Sinus Buster Fast Relief Nasal Spray - 0.68 oz

Product Description

Product Information from Sinus Buster This is our classic \ 'Sinus Buster \' formula with a little less capsaicin, and the addition of Organic Nettle extract. This homeopathic formula is designed specifically for chronic allergy sufferers to help RELIEVE symptoms and prevent outbreaks.
This soothing herbal recipe leaves the nasal passages clear and refreshed feeling. Use as needed to RELIEVE general allergy symptoms, or use daily to help prevent triggered outbreaks. Our Buster Allergy Formula desensitizes the nerve fibers that react to allergy triggers while also blocking the environmental factors associated with those triggers. This formula quickly Relieves congestion, pressure and headaches associated with allergy symptoms. Sinus Buster Allergy Formula is designed to be used as a long-term prevention tool to combat nasal allergies. Although the natural ingredients in this formula RELIEVE general allergy symptoms, the formula becomes more effective over time eventually leading to a natural Immunization against most allergens. When first using this product, we recommend that you also use the Classic Sinus Buster formula intermittently to help tackle severe symptoms until the Allergy Formula kicks takes full effect? usually within 10 days. According to Homeopathic Principals, the Nettle extract in Sinus Buster Allergy Formula creates an autoimmune response, training the body to fight and prevent general allergy symptoms naturally. Please note that Nettle can increase nasal congestion in some people during the first few days of use until the immune system regulates itself against the influence of airborne allergens. Capsaicin (The Natural derivative of Hot Peppers), instantly effects the tiny nerve fibers inside the nasal passages making them allergen release tiny particles (such as common pollen) caught inside the sinus cavities. The result is an almost instant clearing of congestion, pressure, headache and allergy related symptoms.

You can read more information or buy sinus buster now see here : Sinus.Buster-20

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